University of Illinois System
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Faculty Advisory Committee for System Academic Affairs 

Committee Members AY 2019-20

Atul Agarwal
Professor of Operations Management
Department of Management Information Systems
College of Business and Management (UIS)
Areas of Specialization: Waste and product quality issues in business that cost companies money.
Research focuses on ways to reduce waste using lean operations systems within individual firms and their extended supply chains.

Benét DeBerry-Spence 
Professor of Marketing
Department of Managerial Studies
College of Business Administration  (UIC)
Areas of Specialization: Engaged Transformative Research; Developing Markets;
African and African American Markets; Consumer Behavior; Microentrepreneurship

Lynford Goddard
Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
College of Engineering (UIUC)
Areas of Specialization: Photonics and optics. Device design, simulation, fabrication, and testing.
Sensors for trace gas detection. Reflective microring resonators. Quantitative phase microscopy
for metrology and inspection.

Angela Kent
Professor, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences 
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (UIUC)
Areas of Specialization: Microbial ecology and environmental microbiology.

Anna Lysakowski
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
College of Medicine (UIC)
Areas of Specialization: Neuroscience, Inner Ear Biology, Vestibular Periphery,
Confocal and Electron Microscopy

Kathy Petitte Novak
Associate Professor, Department of Communication
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (UIS)
Areas of Specialization: Journalism, Media Criticism, Media and Culture in China, Global Film and Culture, Advertising, Leadership in Communication, Global Studies affiliated faculty.

Stephen Peterson
Professor  and Director of Bands
School of Music (UIUC)
He conducts the Wind Symphony, leads the graduate wind conducting program, and
teaches courses in wind literature.
Member of the prestigious American Bandmaster's Association

Marya Schechtman
Professor of Philosophy and Associate Dean
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (UIC)
Areas of Specialization: Personal Identity with a focus on the relation between the ethical and metaphysical dimensions.
Affiliated with the Laboratory of Integrative Neuroscience

Joyce Tolliver
Director, Center for Translation Studies
Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
College of Liberal Arst and Sciences (UIUC)
Affiliate appointments: Center for Translation Studies, Gender & Women's Studies,
Latin American & Caribbean Studies, European Union Center, Global Studies
Areas of Specialization: 19th-20th century Spain, narrative, Spanish colonial Philippines, gender